Grace Recipient

Hello, and thankyou for showing interest in Grace For All, and the Grace Recipient Podcast.  My name is David, and this is my wife Stacie.  Below us are our three children, from oldest to youngest.  Elliott, Alex, and Olivia.

God has brought me a long ways from before I got into the church.  I was a druggie, I drank to get drunk, Closed down bars and night clubs, ran with the gang, lived my entire teenage years, just doing what I wanted to do.  

Then one day, Jesus allowed me to experience something that would make me question my life style.  He allowed me to feel an overwhelming feeling, that I was going to die.  After I recognized this feeling, he began to deal with me about judgement, Spoke to me through his word about Hell.  Drew me to an Apostolic church, where he showed me his mercy, and allowed me to feel his presence. Then allowed me to experience that Grace.

Grace For All Ministry was born out of a realization, That God gave his Grace to 100% of humanity.  Grace Recipient Podcast was born out of an understanding, that even though Grace is for 100% of humanity, Everybody has to receive that Grace.  

Grace to me is so much more then God's favor.  It is so much more then a dispensation.  It is a gift, it is a teacher, a revealer, a keeper, it is sufficient, as well as Salvation.

Follow along with me, as I dig deep into the vastness of this glorious gift of God's grace,

And don't forget to sign our guest book, and leave a comment there about how you view Grace.